Di posting terdahulu aku pernah cerita kalo aku lagi suka beli domain di ebay. Kalo untuk yang berperank sih harganya kayaknya hampir sama dengan yang dijual di forum-forum gitu. dah ada mungkin 7 domain lebih kubeli di ebay. Harganya murah-murah dibandingkan harga normalnya yang biasanya 9$/domain. Agar berhasil kita nyari aja yang mau berakhir lelangnya 1 jam lagi.Ini nih domain yang kubeli:
1.FindGamesToPlay.com :1.12$
2.GreatJobEasyMoney.com :1.36$
3.PeckProject.com :0.99$
4.OneCallSource.Com :1.36$
5.Renta1Homes.com :0.99$
6.Lopga.com :1.76$
7.MemoryImproving.com :1.55$
Semua teregister di godaddy dan proses transfernya 1-2 hari. Rencananya domain-domain itu mau kuparkir di whyparkku yang nganggur (masih 80 domain nganggur) biar ntar di google update bisa naik jadi PR 2 or 3 and keindex ma google trus dipake untuk paid review or mungkin dijual aja.
Sekalian penawaran kalo ada temen2 untuk yang mau nitip parkir domain di whypark. Cuma 1$/domain/2 month sudah bisa untuk pemasangan iklan adsense dan affiliasi lain. pembayaran bisa melalui paypal. Bagi yang berminat, pm saya saja di dputomo@gmail.com untuk panduan setting berikutnya.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Beli Domain Murah Banget
Tribute to Imam Khomeini
Yayasan Rausyan Fikr mengundang ikhwan dan akhwat sekalian pada peringatan Khaul Imam Khomeini pada Ahad 25 Mei 2008 pukul 5 sore. Acara ini insyaAllah akan diisi Ceramah dari DR GHULAM ALI (PENASIHAT MENLU IRAN). Acara diselenggarakan di Yayasan RausyanFikr Yogya, jl Kaliurang km 5,7 Gg.Pandega Wreksa 1B Yogyakarta.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Bloggingads,hmm lumayan juga
Satu lagi broker paid review yang telah membayar yaitu bloggingads. Aku daftar sekitar 2 bulan lalu,cuma waktu itu belum tahu mo ngapain. Untung dikasih tahu ma m2m kalo keluar jobnya tiap awal bulan. Bener deh, awal Mei ini, sekitar tanggaal 5an, coba buka ternyata lagi banyak job offer. Enaknya disini kita ndak perlu susah-susah bikin original post gitu, tinggal copy paste artikel yang mereka sediakan and kasih link sesuai yang diminta, trus report link jobnya. Cuma memang standart aprovednya ndak jelas berpa hari. Eee, tiba-tiba kemarin ada email dari paypal kalo aku dapat bayaran dari bloggingads sebesar $39, meskipun ndak sebesar bayaran dari Blogsvertise, yach lumayan untuk pelipur lara diriku yang lagi capek mikirin proses mutasi yang ruwet...dan lumayan lah buat nambah modal beli domain -domain baru (di ebay murah banget tuch domain2nya, aku barusan beli domain.com dibawah 2$.(lopga.com), padahal biasanya bisa sampe $9 untuk.com.Pinter2 aja nyarinya trus cari yang mendekati akhir bidding)
Untuk satu job biasanya nilainya $5 sampe $7, trus satu blog boleh ambil 3 job dalam sebulan dan dalam satu kali ambil maksimal totalnya 10 job. So, buruan daftarin aja blog kamu yang udah punya PR 2 minimal.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Lifelock Promo Codes
According to a Federal Trade Commission survey, one of the fastest growing crime in America is identity theft where there is 9,9 Million people being the victims last year. It's really a Nightmare for the victims.
Understanding the value of lifelock and related this crimes, there is a Identity Theft Laws that will overcome and give regulation for identity theft beside preventive measures before the identity is theft. One of preventive measures is using Lifelock. They are the leader in identity theft prevention services and they will guarantee for your good name. This service is not free cause they used all the effort to safeguard their costumers identity. And the good news is that we can sign up to lifelock.com using lifelock promo codes so that we can get discount fee. one of the promotional code is code RD32 that offer the deepest discount for new LifeLock.com customers.
RD32 offers 30 Days Free and Only $9 a Month for adults and kids. You can compare their offer with other offer at their site that with the same discount package that usually for adult will save $21 for annual plan and safe $1 for monthly plan. For Kids it's will safe $7,5 for annually and 0,25 for monthly plan, we still can save money from its first free month offer.Just go to their website and you will find lifelock reviews and affordable offers.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Lowongan Kerja di Pertamina Cilacap
Setelah awal bulan ini Pertamina membuka lowongan kerja untuk program BPS, saat ini Pertamina UP IV Cilacap juga membuka kesempatan bekerja sebagai pegawai Pertamina untuk lulusan D3nya. Karena aku ndak bisa naruh attachment pengumumannya disini, bagi yang berminat or punya saudara yang lagi nyari kerja, bisa dilihat info lengkapnya disini. Deadline 30 Mei ini cap pos. Kemungkinan Pertaminan unit lain juga buka lowongan. Coba lihat aja pengumuman untuk Pertamina di unit2 lain seperti Surabaya, Dumai, Balikpapan, Balongan dll.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Another Way to Get Google Page Rank
Beside by purchased domain with PR, we can try to build our own blog to prepare next google PR update. But sometimes we don't have enough time for this. Maybe you can try my another way:
1. Purchase cheap domain with normal or discount price (usually.info just 2$)
2. Park this domain using whypark to get free content and to be indexed by google so that we must not busy for this (or you can used park4money.com that give free service). We can buy whypark account for 90$. Beside to get free content for google adsense program, we also can use this accout for affiliate selling.
3. Don't forget to submit your domain to www.google.com/addurl or using other free submit url tool.
4. Link this domain as much as you can to get linkback.
From my experience I can get PR 2 after month I park it, here the list:
- www.usaha-sukses.info
- www.101insurances.info
- www.koreanaddict.com
All this domain, now ready to register again to paid review program.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Generating Money With SocialSpark
Great news for all blogger who love to make money from their blog. SocialSpark as a part of Izea Inc now is live. Socialspark not just blog advertising but also as social media marketing and blog marketing cause beside for blogger they can earn bunch of money for their posting, they also can market their blog and build social networking with other bloggers. It's the differences with other Izea's paid program PayPerpost. Here we can take post request from SocialSpark members and consequenly beside get money from them, they also offer to write back about us or our article at their blog. With this opportunity, beside it's mean we market our blog, we also can get linkback from other blog that will increase our blog's popularity and pagerank.
As they called themselves as social media marketing, the members can make friend request with other members and make a community. I've build my profile using name yunitae and there were some bloggers such RingmyBelle who send friend request to me.
The paid post payment is also interesting, beside normal payment we will also can get big payment bonus if our writing choose as the best article. There is also daily payment and the amount of the days is depend on us.
It's the time to join Guys.
Adsense Check
Two days ago, I went to Bank Mandiri Cilacap to liquefied my google adsense check . The process is so easy , I just need to give copy of my identity card, sign and give the cheque and for processing fee they charge 30$ from my Bank Account. They said that it will take 20 days till the money send to my bank account. Now I just wait my second check from Adsense.
Web Designing Blog
If you are now learning about web designing blog cause want to build a great and beautiful website, you can search it's tutorial on internet. There are many website and blog that have discussed about it. One blog you can be visited is Stylishdesign.com.
Stylishdesign.com is a blog that specializing in web designing and other stuff related to web design. On this blog you'll find a lot of information about how to buil website, search engine optimization to maximize your website popularity and search engine familiar, web directories, different tools/softwares, CSS, website templates and so on. It's so enjoying learning here.
If Blogspot Getting Trouble
Since there is sometime a problem while opened blogspot blog mainly for internet connection using flexi, speedy, telkomsel flash and other ISP, blog visiting become lower and also influence google adsense income. Because of that If there is a problem to open blogspot url, usually I used internet connection using Indosatgprs, Im2 and my company's internet connection.
But If this is happen at critical time, I used Google Translate First as Proxy and I input my blog url and then choose website translate from Hindi to English and usually my blog will be opened at google translated frame.
I think you can use this way, If you having problem to open your blog
Monday, May 5, 2008
Cara Membeli Domain BerPagerank

Setelah Google Mengupdate Pageranknya, banyak temen-temen blogger yang kehilangan pagerank blognya (termasuk aku juga) dan untuk tetap eksis di dalam bisnis Paid Review, terpaksa harus membeli domain yang sudah punya pagerank untuk didaftarinn lagi ke broker paid review khususnya blogsvertise untuk ambil job GBT.
Domain yang punya pagerank ini biasanya adalah expired domain yang sebenarnya sekarang dah dilarang ma Blogsvertise, so yang jelas hati-hati aja makenya and buat account baru khusus untuk jaga-jaga. Trus jangan submit dulu sebelum keindex ma google and postnya cukup (dalam 3 bulan minimal 10 post).
Kamu bisa make cara dari Indradiky or pake cara yang biasa aku lakukan kaya gini:
1.Cari daftar expired domain berperank di www.5dollar-domains.com dan short berdasar PR
2.Klik BUY jika sudah menemukan nama yang tepat dan kita akan dibawa kehalaman TDNAM
3.Untuk membeli domain via TDNAM kita harus daftar untuk jadi member dengan biaya dibawah 10$ untuk 1 tahun keanggotaan menggunakan kartu kredit or paypal. Yang jelas ikuti petunjuk aja disitu
4.Trus setelah itu kita dibawa kehalaman godaddy untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli domainnya sendiri dengan harga variatif mulai 7,9$/domain/tahun. Khusus untuk expired domain ini ada tambahan charge feenya 5$. Proses transaksi ini biasanya berlangsung 4-5hari sampai transaksi complete dan siap kita setting menggunakan custom domain di blogger seperti ini jadinya or seperti ini.
Untuk cara custom domain, baca2 aja artikelnya O-OM Blog.
Sedangkan postingannya kalo ndak sempet buat post, cari free article aja di google.
Sorry nggak sempet kasih penjelasan komplet, jika ada kesulitan give comment or email aja ya!!!
Lifelock Promotion Code
Theft of identity is very likely if it is in our daily life or somewhere else on the Internet. People do not know much about these things. But they should know and should take steps to prevent this from happening. If they do not, they will lose their valuable information during a stay online. Until the erasing of all these concerns lifelock came to exist. It is very easy to buy their service, which is available at a lower rate. Take chances lifelock promo codes and the availability of large discount on annual membership. As their promotion, we can try their services free for a month for only $9/month.
We will know the value of the lifelock when its begins the work. Already a large number of persons are satisfied with the product. To make all clearly, Lifelock review give a detail explanation of what it is and what he does for us. Lifelock will try to bring us to the happy life. They promises One million U.S. dollars to security as the company guarantee. Call their free phone number to learn more about the product and its services. The lifelock promotion code are for a limited time. Take advantage of the promotion before the end of the code. All people for all age can use this lifelock promotional code whether they're children or adults. With this promotional code RD32 we will receive the greatest discount.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Compatible Cartridges
For a few recent years, using reusable stuff is going popular for many reasons. Some people use environment issue as a reason, and another ones said the cost efficiency is the reason.
The same trends also happened on the printer equipment markets. Most people tend to use compatible inkjet cartridges for their inkjet printers. Its not only caused of the original cartridges is one time used stuff, but compatible cartridges are also cheaper than original. Both of original inkjet cartridges or toner cartridges can replace by compatible ones. It is more easy than try to fill the ink or toner by your self.
Inkers.biz is one of the companies whose provides compatible cartridges for most printers at the markets. As an original, compatible cartridge products also give us the guarantee, usually for one year. Most of compatible cartridge manufacturer will refund or replace the product if it doesn’t work with our printer.
Sebagai backpacker, harga pesawat sering menjadi komponen yang penting dalam suatu trip keluar negeri agar bisa sering jalan-jalan keluar n...