Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Like Blogsvertise and Smorty

From many Paid to review Programs, based on revenue I've got, I recommended Smorty and Blogsvertise. Why? Because Smorty has many advertiser so that many jobs for us and sometimes more than one job / day. Although they pay for 6-12 $/ review it's not a problem for me. It's better if we have more than one blogs so it's can be multiple revenue.They had twice send my payment via paypal.
Almost same with smorty, there is always review job everyday from blogsvertise with payment average 10$/reviews (depend on our blog quality, include page rank). It's better if you submit your blogs with different id, because they just allow to one review / id / day (if we take job from grabbag task).
How about others? sponsoredreviews and reviewme although give revenue for me but the job from them didn't routtine give for us. But at sponsoredreviews we can bid to every review jobs from the advertiser.Hee..Here my payment screenshoot from blogsvertise (It still unpaid and will be paid soon),


Anonymous said...

Wah ternyata sukses juga dengan paid reviewnya. Sukses terus yah moga2 makin banyak dolarnya

Anonymous said...

Great post, it sounds promising to all bloggers.
Keep up the good work

computer said...

selamat yach, good job :)

Anonymous said...

Yunita, congrat ya.
Gimana sih caranya biar bisa sukses kaya gitu, boleh doong ajarin


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