Senyum senyum itu tlah pergi
senyum dan sapa yang sering menyapaku di pagi hari
yang memeriahkan hari-hariku selama disini....................................
Untuk semua mantan pekerja Outsourcing UP I
Apapun putusan yang telah ada, jangan pernah berhenti untuk bersyukur dan tetap mencari rizki Allah. InsyAllah rizki Allah ada dimana-mana. Tidak hanya disini, tidak hanya ada di perusahaan-perusahaan besar, tidak pula digedung bertingkat.
Tapi semua ada di hati kita....................................................................................................................
Selamat berjuang teman-teman. Our live still running
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
New Learn
I just learned about internet marketing now. Its enjoyable for me to learn and practice it.
if you like to get study of it you can click
you can be free memberships for 10 days. enjoy it!!!
if you like to get study of it you can click
you can be free memberships for 10 days. enjoy it!!!
Thanks God, I have built blog again about available job and scholarships.Its dedicated for everyone who looking for a job or scholarships.
You can click
You can click
Monday, February 26, 2007
Meskipun meyakini adanya Tuhan adalah masalah fithri yang tertanam dalam diri setiap manusia, namun karena kecintaan mereka kepada dunia yang berlebihan sehingga mereka disibukkan dengannya, mengakibatkan mereka lupa kepada Sang Pencipta dan kepada jati diri mereka sendiri. Yang pada gilirannya, cahaya fitrah mereka redup atau bahkan padam.Walaupun demikian, jalan menuju Allah itu banyak. Para ahli ma'rifat berkata, "Jalan-jalan menuju ma'rifatullah sebanyak nafas makhluk." Salah satu jalan ma'rifatullah adalah akal. Terdapat sekelompok kaum muslim, golongan ahli Hadis (Salafi) atau Wahabi, yang menolak peran aktif akal sehubungan dengan ketuhanan. Mereka berpendapat, bahwa satu-satunya jalan untuk mengetahui Allah adalah nash (Al-Qur'an dan Hadis).
Mereka beralasan dengan adanya sejumlah ayat dan riwayat yang secara lahiriah melarang menggunakan akal (ra'yu). Padahal kalau kita perhatikan, ternyata Al-Qur'an dan Hadis sendiri mengajak kita untuk menggunakan akal, bahkan menggunakan keduanya ketika menjelaskan keberadaan Allah lewat argumentasi (burhan) aqli. Pada tulisan berikutnya, insya Allah akan kita bicarakan tentang Al-Qur'an, Hadis dan konsep ketuhanan.Bisakah Tuhan dibuktikan dengan akal ?Sebenarnya pertanyaan ini tidaklah tepat, karena bukan saja Allah bisa dibuktikan dengan akal. Bahkan, pada beberapa kondisi dan situasi hal itu harus dibuktikan dengan akal dan tidak mungkin melakukan pembuktian tanpa akal.Anggapan yang mengatakan, bahwa pembuktian wujud Allah hanya dengan nash saja adalah anggapan sangat naif. Karena bagaimana mungkin seseorang menerima keterangan Al-Qur'an, sementara dia belum mempercayai wujud (keberadaan) sumber Al-Qur'an itu sendiri Al-Qur'an, yaitu Allah Ta'ala. Lebih naif lagi, mereka menerima keterangan Al-Qur'an lantaran ia adalah kalamullah atau sesuatu yang datang dari Allah. Hal ini berarti, mereka telah meyakini wujud Allah sebelum menerima keterangan Al-Qur'an. Lalu mengapa mereka meyakini wujud Allah ?Mereka menjawab, "Karena Al-Qur'an mengatakan demikian." Maka terjadilah daur (Lingkaran setan ?, lihat istilah daur pada pembahasan selanjutnya). Dalam hal ini, Al-Qur'an dijadikan sebagai pendukung dan penguat dalil aqli.Para ulama, ketika membuktikan wujud Allah dengan menggunakan burhan aqli, terkadang melalui pendekatan kalami (teologis) atau pendekatan filosofi. Pada kesempatan ini, insya Allah kami mencoba menjelaskan keduanya secara sederhana dan ringkas.
Burhan-burhan Aqli-kalami tentang keniscayaan wujud Allah Ta'ala 1. Burhan Nidham (keteraturan)Burhan ini dibangun atas beberapa muqadimah (premis). Pertama, bahwa alam raya ini penuh dengan berbagai jenis benda, baik yang hidup maupun yang mati.Kedua, bahwa alam bendawi (tabiat) tunduk kepada satu peraturan. Artinya, setiap benda yang ada di alam ini tidak terlepas dari pengaruh undang-undang dan hukum alam.Ketiga, hukum yang menguasai alam ini adalah hukum kausalitas (illiyyah), artinya setiap fenomena yang terjadi di alam ini pasti dikarenakan sebuah sebab (illat) dan tidak mungkin satu fenomena terjadi tanpa sebab. Dengan demikian, seluruh alam raya ini dan segala yang ada di dalamnya, termasuk hukum alam dan sebab akibat, adalah fenomena dari sebuah puncak sebab (prima kausa atau illatul ilal).Keempat, "sebab" atau illat yang mengadakan seluruh alam raya ini tidak keluar dari dua kemungkinan, yaitu "sebab" yang berupa benda mati atau sesuatu yang hidup.Kemungkinan pertama tidak mungkin, karena beberapa alasan berikut : Pertama, alam raya ini sangat besar, indah dan penuh keunikan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa "sebab" yang mengadakannya adalah sesuatu yang hebat, pandai dan mampu. Kehebatan, kepandaian dan kemampuan, merupakan ciri dan sifat dari sesuatu yang hidup. Benda mati tidak mungkin disifati hebat, pandai dan mampu.Kedua, benda-benda yang ada di alam ini beragam dan bermacam-macam, diantaranya adalah manusia. Manusia merupakan salah satu bagian dari alam yang paling menonjol. Dia pandai, mampu dan hidup. Mungkinkah menusia yang pandai, mampu dan hidup terwujud dari sesuatu yang mati ?. Kesimpulannya, bahwa alam raya ini mempunyai ''sebab'' atau 'illat, dan ''sebab'' tersebut adalah sesuatu yang hidup. Kaum muslimin menamai ''sebab'' segala sesuatu itu dengan sebutan Allah Ta'ala. 2. Burhan al-Huduts (kebaruan)al-Huduts atau al-Hadits berarti baru, atau sesuatu yang pernah tidak ada kemudian ada. Burhan ini terdiri atas beberapa hal :Pertama, bahwa alam raya ini hadits, artinya mengalami perubahan dari tidak ada menjadi ada dan akhirnya tidak ada lagi.Kedua, segala sesuatu yang asalnya tidak ada kemudian ada, tidak mungkin ada dengan sendirinya. Pasti dia menjadi ada karena ''sebab'' sesuatu.Ketiga, yang menjadikan alam raya ini ada haruslah sesuatu yang qadim, yakni keberadaannya tidak pernah mengalami ketiadaan. Keberadaannya kekal dan abadi. Karena, jika sesuatu yang mengadakan alam raya ini hadits juga, maka Dia-pun ada karena ada yang mengadakannya, demikian seterusnya (tasalsul). Tasalsul yang tidak berujung seperti ini mustahil. Dengan demikian, pasti ada 'sesuatu' yang keberadaannya tidak pernah mengalami ketiadaan. Kaum muslimin menamakan 'sesuatu' itu dengan sebutan Allah Ta'ala.
Burhan-burhan Aqli-filosofi tentang keniscayaan wujud Allah Ta'ala.A. Burhan Imkan a. Sebelum menguraikan burhan ini, ada beberapa istilah yang perlu diperjelas terlebih dahulu Wajib, yaitu sesuatu yang wujudnya pasti, dengan sendirinya dan tidak membutuhkan kepada yang lain.b. Imkan atau mumkin, sesuatu yang wujud (ada) dan 'adam (tiada) baginya sama saja (tasawiy an-nisbah ila al-wujud wa al-'adam). Artinya, sesuatu yang ketika 'ada' disebabkan faktor eksternal, atau keberadaannya tidak dengan sendirinya. Demikian pula, ketika 'tidak ada' disebabkan oleh faktor eksternal pula, atau ketiadaannya juga tidak dengan sendirinya. Dia tidak membias kepada wujud dan kepada ketiadaan. Menurut para filosof, hal ini merupakan ciri khas dari mahiyah (esensi).c. Mumtani atau mustahil, yaitu sesuatu yang tidak mungkin ada dan tidak mungkin terjadi, seperti sesuatu itu ada dan tiada pada saat dan tempat yang bersamaan (ijtima'un-naqidhain).d. Daur (siklus atau lingkaran setan) Misal, A keberadaannya tergantung/membutuhkan B, sedangkan B keberadaannya tergantung/membutuhkan A. Jadi, A tidak mungkin ada tanpa keberadaan B terlebih dahulu, demikian pula B tidak mungkin ada tanpa keberadaan A terlebih dahulu. Dengan demikian, A tidak akan ada tanpa B dan pada saat yang sama A harus ada karena dibutuhkan B. Ini berarti ijtima'un naqidhain (lihat Mumtani'). Contoh lainnya, A keberadaannya tergantung/membutuhkan B, dan B keberadaannya tergantung/membutuhkan C, sedangkan C keberadaannya tergantung/ membutuhkan A. Jadi, A tidak mungkin ada tanpa keberadaan B terlebih dahulu, demikian juga B tidak mungkin ada tanpa keberadaan C terlebih dahulu, demikian juga C tidak mungkin ada tanpa keberadaan A terlebih dahulu. Daur adalah suatu yang mustahil adanya.e. Tasalsul, yaitu susunan sejumlah 'illat dan ma'lul, dengan pengertian bahwa yang terdahulu menjadi 'illat bagi yang kemudian, dan seterusnya tanpa berujung. Tasalsul sama dengan daur, mustahil adanya.
Burhan Imkan dapat dijelaskan dengan beberapa poin sebagai berikut ini:Pertama, bahwa seluruh yang ada tidak lepas dari dua posisi wujud, yaitu wajib atau mumkin.Kedua, wujud yang wajib ada dengan sendirinya dan wujud yang mumkin pasti membutuhkan atau berakhir kepada wujud yang wajib, secara langsung atau lewat perantara. Kalau tidak membutuhkan kepada yang wajib, maka akan terjadi daur (siklus) atau tasalsul (rentetan mata rantai yang tidak berujung) dan keduanya mustahil.Ketiga, bahwa yang mumkin berakhir kepada yang wajib. Dengan demikian, yang wajib adalah 'sebab' dari segala wujud yang mumkin (prima kausa atau 'illatul 'ilal). Kaum muslimin menamakan wujud yang wajib dengan sebutan Allah Ta'ala.
B. Burhan Ash-ShiddiqinBurhan ini menurut para filosuf muslim, merupakan terjemahan dari ungkapan Ahlul Bayt as. yang berbunyi, "Wahai Dzat yang menunjukkan diri-Nya dengan diri-Nya." (Doa Shahabah Amir al-Mukminin Ali bin Abi Thalib as.) Artinya, Burhan ini ingin menjelaskan pembuktian wujud Allah melalui wujud diri-Nya sendiri. Para ahlui mantiq (logika) menyebutnya dengan burhan Limmi. Penjelasan burhan ini, hampir sama dengan penjelasan burhan Imkan.Ada beberapa penafsiran tentang burhan shiddiqin ini. Diantaranya penafsiran Mulla Shadra. Beliau mengatakan, "Dengan demikian, yang wujud terkadang tidak membutuhkan kepada yang lain (mustaghni) dan terkadang pula, secara substansial, ia membutuhkan kepada yang lain (muftaqir). Yang pertama, adalah wujud yang wajib, yaitu wujud murni. Tiada yang lebih sempurna dari-Nya dan dia tidak diliputi ketiadaan dan kekurangan. Sedangkan yang kedua, adalah selain wujud yang wajib, yaitu perbuatan-perbuatan-Nya yang tidak bisa tegak kecuali dengan-Nya (Nihayah al-Hikmah, hal. 269).Allamah al-Hilli, dalam komentarnya terhadap kitab Tajrid al-'Itiqad karya Syekh Thusi, menjelaskan, "Di luar kita secara pasti ada yang wujud. Jika yang wujud itu wajib, maka itulah yang dimaksud (Allah Ta'ala), dan jika yang wujud itu mumkin, maka dia pasti membutuhkan faktor yang wujud (untuk keberadaannya). Jika faktor itu wajib, maka itulah yang dimaksud (Allah Ta'ala). Tetapi jika faktor itu mumkin juga, maka dia membutuhkan faktor lain dan seterusnya (tasalsul) atau daur. Dan keduanya mustahil adanya[].
Friday, February 23, 2007

Beside my routine activity as a worker, I also have and together with my friend start a lobster Air Tawar (LAT) business. Yach just a small business but somedays I hope its can grow up.
If you interested to buy LOBSTER as your collection or to breeding, you can contacs us at my email.
As a pet (if i can called it) it can help you to eliminate your stress when you see their funny and blue body and acitity like other aqua animal
.jpg)
My first hobbies is reading and surfing. Living at remote place forced me to read manything both online and offline so I can always update my knowledge. And I also relly enjoy it and also because I dont like outdoor activities (my company have many sports facilities-basketball, tennies, golf, football,badminton and fitness-unfortunelly I dont like all of this activities except the last one-fitness bo' its can fresh your mind and body).
At this recent time I really like to read about business magazines like swa, mix, peluang usaha and marketing and financial book from Hermawan Kertadjaya, Tum Desem Waringin, Safir Sendok and others. Its different from before I like philosphy, psycologhy and social book (I think its because of diferrent world views........wuih)
Second, I Like to gardening. My favourits is orchids. its so beautiful flower. Imagine, they can blooming for 1 month. They have many kind of species like dendrobium, oncydiums, palaenopsis and chatellya with their individully characteristic and colours.
Unfortunally becuse I'm to busy and give them less attention they dont grow well and they angry with me so from many orchids only the green colurs one that blooming.
Oh my orchids. I'm sorry.....................................................................................................................
Third, I like to cooking. Before, cooking is our (my husband and I) routine activity to cook together when we lived at Jogjakarta. But now I just do it in my spare times. I like to try new menus from magazine, cook a cake, collecting many menus to cook someday

-Are orchids hard to grow?
No. They are no more difficult to grow than many popular flowering plants. Like any plant, an orchid needs water, fertilizer, light and air. If you grow other ornamental plants either in the garden or indoors, you can grow orchids.
-Aren't orchids terribly expensive?
Not any more. Once a hobby for the wealthy, orchids are now within the reach of any income. Modern reproductive methods make it possible for growers to enjoy plants for a reasonable price. You can spend as little as you like. But trying to own one orchid is like trying to eat one peanut!
-Are all orchids the same?
Quite the contrary. No plant family is more diverse. After all, the orchid family is the largest plant family, occupying almost all possible environments. From the thimble-sized Mystacidium caffrum to the 20-foot-tall Renanthera storei, orchids exhibit amazingly different shapes, forms and growth habits. Some orchids produce blossoms no larger than a mosquito; other orchid flowers are as large as a dinner plate. Your familiar corsage is just one of the thousands of attractive types that can be grown with ease, given the proper culture. And with today's propagation methods and current hybridizing trends, there are more choices to choose from than ever before.
-Are orchids parasites?
Absolutely not! Of the approximately 20,000 species of orchids that grow around the world, not one is parasitic. In nature, many orchids cling to trees and bushes as a growth habit, but they take nothing from the host plant and do not injure it in any way. Orchids that grow on trees are called epiphytes or air plants.Do orchids come from the tropics?Some do. But every country in the world and every state in the United States, including Alaska, has orchids.
-Do I need a greenhouse?
Not necessarily. Some popular orchids can be grown in your home or under lights. Those able to withstand cooler weather may be grown outdoors. When selecting plants, choose those that will survive in the environment you have to offer.
-Should orchids be protected from drafts?
By no means. As a matter of fact, orchids require moving air. They do best where there is a steady, moist breeze. However, if grown indoors, blooming plants should be positioned away from air-conditioning or hot-air vents.
-What sort of soil do orchids need?
Most require none. In nature, orchids can be divided into four types according to growing conditions. Most are classified as epiphytes, or air plants, which grow chiefly on trees. Lithophytes cling to the surfaces of rocks. Saprophytes grow in decaying vegetation on the forest floor. Finally, there are terrestrials, which anchor themselves in soil or sand. As most orchids are epiphytes, they can be grown in tree bark (fir or redwood), crumbled charcoal, pebbles, or on tree-fern or cork plaques.
-Are orchids short-lived?
Most are long-lived. In fact, some species are virtually immortal, given the proper attention. Divisions or propagations of orchids discovered in the 19th century are still growing and flowering today.
-How often do orchids bloom?
Again, it depends on the plant. Some bloom once a year, others bloom several times a year and some even bloom continuously.
-How long do orchid blooms last?
It depends on the type as well as on cultural treatment. Blooms of hybrids of the genus Cattleya may last from one to four weeks on the plant. Those of the genus Phalaenopsis commonly last from one to four months.
-Are orchids fragrant?
Some are so powerfully scented as to perfume an entire greenhouse or living room. A few orchid fragrances defy description, while others mimic familiar aromas -- raspberry, coconut, lilacs and citrus. Others have no scent, but rely on shape and color to attract insects or birds for pollination, thereby continuing the life cycle of the species.
-Can I transport orchids?
Yes. Because many of them are cultivated in pots or baskets, they can be carried anywhere. Many growers use blooming plants as living centerpieces in their homes. Orchids are routinely mailed and sold at shows. But use common sense. When you buy orchids, do not let them sit in a hot or cold car or damage may result.
-Where can I buy orchids?
Hundreds of orchid nurseries, many of which advertise monthly in Orchids magazine, exist in the United States and around the world. Visit the Source Directory link at left to find one near you or in an area that you plan to visit. Additionally, many fine growers will ship orchids right to your door!Is conservation of orchids an important issue?Absolutely! Sadly, orchid species are becoming extinct faster than they can be described and classified. Threats to orchids originate primarily from loss of habitat and collecting. The AOS advocates the purchase of only artifically propagated orchids, either from meristems or seeds, which will help discourage the collecting of orchid species at home and abroad. The AOS also encourages orchidists to pollinate orchid species already in their collections and to share the seedlings with their fellow orchidists.
No. They are no more difficult to grow than many popular flowering plants. Like any plant, an orchid needs water, fertilizer, light and air. If you grow other ornamental plants either in the garden or indoors, you can grow orchids.
-Aren't orchids terribly expensive?
Not any more. Once a hobby for the wealthy, orchids are now within the reach of any income. Modern reproductive methods make it possible for growers to enjoy plants for a reasonable price. You can spend as little as you like. But trying to own one orchid is like trying to eat one peanut!
-Are all orchids the same?
Quite the contrary. No plant family is more diverse. After all, the orchid family is the largest plant family, occupying almost all possible environments. From the thimble-sized Mystacidium caffrum to the 20-foot-tall Renanthera storei, orchids exhibit amazingly different shapes, forms and growth habits. Some orchids produce blossoms no larger than a mosquito; other orchid flowers are as large as a dinner plate. Your familiar corsage is just one of the thousands of attractive types that can be grown with ease, given the proper culture. And with today's propagation methods and current hybridizing trends, there are more choices to choose from than ever before.
-Are orchids parasites?
Absolutely not! Of the approximately 20,000 species of orchids that grow around the world, not one is parasitic. In nature, many orchids cling to trees and bushes as a growth habit, but they take nothing from the host plant and do not injure it in any way. Orchids that grow on trees are called epiphytes or air plants.Do orchids come from the tropics?Some do. But every country in the world and every state in the United States, including Alaska, has orchids.
-Do I need a greenhouse?
Not necessarily. Some popular orchids can be grown in your home or under lights. Those able to withstand cooler weather may be grown outdoors. When selecting plants, choose those that will survive in the environment you have to offer.
-Should orchids be protected from drafts?
By no means. As a matter of fact, orchids require moving air. They do best where there is a steady, moist breeze. However, if grown indoors, blooming plants should be positioned away from air-conditioning or hot-air vents.
-What sort of soil do orchids need?
Most require none. In nature, orchids can be divided into four types according to growing conditions. Most are classified as epiphytes, or air plants, which grow chiefly on trees. Lithophytes cling to the surfaces of rocks. Saprophytes grow in decaying vegetation on the forest floor. Finally, there are terrestrials, which anchor themselves in soil or sand. As most orchids are epiphytes, they can be grown in tree bark (fir or redwood), crumbled charcoal, pebbles, or on tree-fern or cork plaques.
-Are orchids short-lived?
Most are long-lived. In fact, some species are virtually immortal, given the proper attention. Divisions or propagations of orchids discovered in the 19th century are still growing and flowering today.
-How often do orchids bloom?
Again, it depends on the plant. Some bloom once a year, others bloom several times a year and some even bloom continuously.
-How long do orchid blooms last?
It depends on the type as well as on cultural treatment. Blooms of hybrids of the genus Cattleya may last from one to four weeks on the plant. Those of the genus Phalaenopsis commonly last from one to four months.
-Are orchids fragrant?
Some are so powerfully scented as to perfume an entire greenhouse or living room. A few orchid fragrances defy description, while others mimic familiar aromas -- raspberry, coconut, lilacs and citrus. Others have no scent, but rely on shape and color to attract insects or birds for pollination, thereby continuing the life cycle of the species.
-Can I transport orchids?
Yes. Because many of them are cultivated in pots or baskets, they can be carried anywhere. Many growers use blooming plants as living centerpieces in their homes. Orchids are routinely mailed and sold at shows. But use common sense. When you buy orchids, do not let them sit in a hot or cold car or damage may result.
-Where can I buy orchids?
Hundreds of orchid nurseries, many of which advertise monthly in Orchids magazine, exist in the United States and around the world. Visit the Source Directory link at left to find one near you or in an area that you plan to visit. Additionally, many fine growers will ship orchids right to your door!Is conservation of orchids an important issue?Absolutely! Sadly, orchid species are becoming extinct faster than they can be described and classified. Threats to orchids originate primarily from loss of habitat and collecting. The AOS advocates the purchase of only artifically propagated orchids, either from meristems or seeds, which will help discourage the collecting of orchid species at home and abroad. The AOS also encourages orchidists to pollinate orchid species already in their collections and to share the seedlings with their fellow orchidists.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
A Day in the Live of an Affiliate Marketing
Being in the affiliate marketing business is not that hard now with the internet at your disposable. It is much easier now compared to the days when people have to make use of the telephones and other mediums of information just to get the latest updates on the way their program is coming along.
So with technology at hand, and assuming that the affiliate is working from home, a day in his or her life would sound something like this…
Upon waking up and after having breakfast, the computer is turned on to check out new developments in the network. As far as the marketer is concerned there might be new things to update and statistics to keep track on.
The site design has to be revised. The marketer knows that a well-designed site can increase sign ups from visitors. It can also help in the affiliate’s conversion rates.
That done, it is time to submit the affiliate program to directories that lists affiliate programs. These directories are means to attract people in joining your affiliate program. A sure way of promoting the affiliate program.
Time to track down the sales you are getting from your affiliates fairly and accurately. There are phone orders and mails to track down. See if they are new clients checking the products out. Noting down the contact information that might be a viable source in the future.
There are lots of resources to sort out. Ads, banners, button ads and sample recommendations to give out because the marketer knows that this is one way of ensuring more sales. Best to stay visible and accessible too.
The affiliate marketer remembered that there are questions to answer from the visitors. This has to be done quickly. Nothing can turn off a customer than an unanswered email.
To prove that the affiliate is working effectively and efficiently, inquiries would have to be paid more attention on. Nobody wants to be ignored and customers are not always the most patient of all people. Quick answer that should appear professional yet friendly too.
In the process of doing all the necessities, the marketer is logged on to a chat room where he or she interacts with other affiliates and those under that same program. This is where they can discuss things on how to best promote their products.
There are things to be learned and it is a continuous process. Sharing tips and advices is a good way of showing support. There may be others out there wanting to join and may be enticed by the discussion that is going on. There is no harm in assuming what opportunities ahead.
The newsletters and ezines were updated days ago, so it is time for the affiliate marketer to see if there are some new things happening in the market. This will be written about in the marketer’s publication to be distributed to the old and new customers.
These same publications are also an important tool in keeping up to date with the newly introduced products. The marketer has put up a sale and promotion that customers may want to know about. Besides, they have to keep up with the deadline of these sales written in the publications.
It is that time to show some appreciation to those who have helped the marketer in the promotions and sale increase. Nothing like mentioning the persons, their sites and the process they have done that made everything worked.
Of course, this will be published in the newsletters. Among the more important information that have been written already.
The marketer still has time to write out recommendations to those who want credible sources for the products being promoted. There is also time to post some comments on how to be a successful affiliate marketer on a site where there are lots of wannabees.
Two objectives done at the same time. The marketer gets to promote the product as well as the program they are in. Who knows, someone may be inclined to join.
Time flies. Missed lunch but is quite contented with the tasks done. Bed time….
Ok, so this may not be all done in a day. But then, this gives you an idea of how an affiliate marketer, a dedicated one that is, spends the marketing day.
Is that success looming in the distance or what?
So with technology at hand, and assuming that the affiliate is working from home, a day in his or her life would sound something like this…
Upon waking up and after having breakfast, the computer is turned on to check out new developments in the network. As far as the marketer is concerned there might be new things to update and statistics to keep track on.
The site design has to be revised. The marketer knows that a well-designed site can increase sign ups from visitors. It can also help in the affiliate’s conversion rates.
That done, it is time to submit the affiliate program to directories that lists affiliate programs. These directories are means to attract people in joining your affiliate program. A sure way of promoting the affiliate program.
Time to track down the sales you are getting from your affiliates fairly and accurately. There are phone orders and mails to track down. See if they are new clients checking the products out. Noting down the contact information that might be a viable source in the future.
There are lots of resources to sort out. Ads, banners, button ads and sample recommendations to give out because the marketer knows that this is one way of ensuring more sales. Best to stay visible and accessible too.
The affiliate marketer remembered that there are questions to answer from the visitors. This has to be done quickly. Nothing can turn off a customer than an unanswered email.
To prove that the affiliate is working effectively and efficiently, inquiries would have to be paid more attention on. Nobody wants to be ignored and customers are not always the most patient of all people. Quick answer that should appear professional yet friendly too.
In the process of doing all the necessities, the marketer is logged on to a chat room where he or she interacts with other affiliates and those under that same program. This is where they can discuss things on how to best promote their products.
There are things to be learned and it is a continuous process. Sharing tips and advices is a good way of showing support. There may be others out there wanting to join and may be enticed by the discussion that is going on. There is no harm in assuming what opportunities ahead.
The newsletters and ezines were updated days ago, so it is time for the affiliate marketer to see if there are some new things happening in the market. This will be written about in the marketer’s publication to be distributed to the old and new customers.
These same publications are also an important tool in keeping up to date with the newly introduced products. The marketer has put up a sale and promotion that customers may want to know about. Besides, they have to keep up with the deadline of these sales written in the publications.
It is that time to show some appreciation to those who have helped the marketer in the promotions and sale increase. Nothing like mentioning the persons, their sites and the process they have done that made everything worked.
Of course, this will be published in the newsletters. Among the more important information that have been written already.
The marketer still has time to write out recommendations to those who want credible sources for the products being promoted. There is also time to post some comments on how to be a successful affiliate marketer on a site where there are lots of wannabees.
Two objectives done at the same time. The marketer gets to promote the product as well as the program they are in. Who knows, someone may be inclined to join.
Time flies. Missed lunch but is quite contented with the tasks done. Bed time….
Ok, so this may not be all done in a day. But then, this gives you an idea of how an affiliate marketer, a dedicated one that is, spends the marketing day.
Is that success looming in the distance or what?
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